a free software for ear training...
Mesdames et Messieurs, nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour la joyeuse célébration annuelle de notre party d'Halloween. Soyez tous témoins de cette impressionante démonstration d'humour glacé et sophistiqué. Le thème cette année "Bandes dessinées / Animation Japonaise / Dessins Animés" Sortez vos héros favoris des boules à mites et faites nous connaître votre personalitée secrète. Vous êtes attendus au même endroit qu'à l'habitude mais pour déjouer vos ennemis la réunion prendra place de l'autre côté du corridor. Tous sont priés d'adhèrer aux normes habituelles de la bienséance.
Quand? Vendredi le 29 octobre 2004.
À quelle heure? À partir de 8 heures et jusqu'à ce que les voisins se fâchent.
Quoi? Apportez votre bière ou autre breuvage ainsi que vos propres aspirines. Vos contributions culinaires seront les bienvenues et de l'espace sera mis à votre disposition si vous êtes trop joyeux pour partir, pour vous lever ou vous traîner à terre.
Pourquoi? La fête de la citrouille! (Et il y à au moins une sorcière dans la gang qui va se plaindre ad vitam aeternam si on ne vous invite pas )
Nous célèbrerons nos têtes en citrouille du lendemain matin avec un bon déjeuner.
Si vous voulez venir, laissez moi un message ou envoyez moi un e-mail
The english invite was written by The Admiral and I prefer my version...so there.
And hopefully, see you there ;)
*bunny kisses to all*
I went apple picking this Saturday...and now I have too many apples.
I had loads of fun though. :)
The Man went kayaking with the admiral and the minister of fisheries (and a couple of other people as well) which left me on my own when it came to figuring out how to entertain myself. So I arranged for an apple picking bonanza with some friends I don't see often enough. We got kinda lost in the area trying to locate Intermiel, which is a place where they have about 2000 beehives and make mead. Luckily we found the place before anyone got angry...too late for the tour but early enough to come back with some mead (and raw honeycomb, and royal gelly).
who wants apples?
Compy 386%21
this was the basis for a big Domaine joke this w/e...lol
Turning the Pages
so neat...cannot find words to describe how cool this is...
Vacancies: "COMMUNICATION OFFICER (INN/ST/CAN/UIS/0583) - (P3) - Montreal, Canada"
Arrgh! I just found a posting that would be so very sweet...well...I guess it is something to dream about (for now) and somethings towards which I can work...
a goal mayhaps
Me and goals have so long been estranged...this is odd...but it is exciting as well...
ok. back to the office monkey job. ook!
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.
Yay I finally figured out where the code for my old commenting system was hanging out...go me!
It seems that in order to comment you have to click on the time of the post (then and only then are you deemed worthy of being allowed to comment)
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.
My weakness is electrons! ... Maybe I am the Static Cling after all...
Your Free Translation
Hey guys! this is my life saver right now...eh...maybe I should go and become a translator it seems to be what keeps popping up in my work...in fact I can't seem to be able to escape it.
(btw I may be blogging more now that I have constant online access at work and a blogger bar on my toolbar)
Just a quick hop in...
Evil Banker no more.
I finished working at the bank on Friday; and signed a contract with UQAM today. Yay me!
There are so many reasons why this new job will be better, perhaps I will list them later.
Back to the hockey game now...Calgary is getting destroyed.
bunny kisses to all.
Hello all, long time no post...
I am still alive and breathing. No really.
I have been working and pondering stuff...As I have for the past while.
I am still working at the bank playing at customer service and am still not passionate about it, which I kinda wish I could be...Things would be easier then.
Instead I am being my usual indecisive self and wondering about whether it would be a viable option to start a reiki practice...Slowly building a clientele and eventually making it a living...
Anybody out there willing to let me practice on them? (I need to work on my initiations...Ok relearn them entirely...)
The advertisement in the paper would go: Reiki master in training seeks guinea pigs for treatments and atunements.
never mind, I am simply rambling. My mind is mush today so I guess the best thing to do is post this and take a nap...hmmm....Nap....
I'll try to keep you all posted (eh...Pun intended?)
I think I'm hearing things...
The other day on the metro, the habitual squeaks and sundry noises were briefly replaced by high pitched moaning sounds.
I am not kidding!
It sounded like a cheesy recording of a woman moaning during sex on a very old spring mattress.
Before you call the Douglas to order my brand spanking new shirt with extra long sleeves...I have slim proof:
These two guys that had hopped onto the metro at the same station as I gave each other The Look that Hobbes was refering to a few days ago...
ok ok
that is no proof at all...but hey! I just had to share my dismay and profound amusement.
I have decided to be unapologetic about the frequency of my posts. If I feel guilty about not Blogging I will come to resent the whole thing and therefore...I say thee fneh!
This morning I got a phone call (around 7H30 am) from one of the people I work with...there has been a problem with the water pipes and the bank will be closed for today (a potential for being closed tomorow as well though I do not have my hopes up for that). Well, I was so excited about getting to sleep in that I was unable to fall back asleep. It figures!
Still I got to have coffee with The Man AND I was able to read all of the newspaper (a rare occurence). I then phoned my parents and went to have lunch with them at Ikea, which meant shopping for household knick-knacks and doodads (yay!)
I am having dinner with Old Broad (The Man's mommy) and The Man tonight, which is always pleasant. :)
Maybe I'll play a bit of X-Box before the afternoon is spent...
I hope everyone else is having a good day too.
Hugs all around.