Bunny Burrow: hop into my world...

My thoughts on life, school, and whatever else I feel an insane need to share with whoever wants to read...
Bunny Quote of the moment: "The moral life of man forms part of the subject matter of the artist, but the morality of art consists in the perfect use of an imperfect medium. No artist desires to prove anything. Even things that are true can be proved." -Oscar Wilde (from the Preface to 'The Picture of Dorian Gray')
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Hello all, long time no post...

I am still alive and breathing. No really.

I have been working and pondering stuff...As I have for the past while.

I am still working at the bank playing at customer service and am still not passionate about it, which I kinda wish I could be...Things would be easier then.

Instead I am being my usual indecisive self and wondering about whether it would be a viable option to start a reiki practice...Slowly building a clientele and eventually making it a living...

Anybody out there willing to let me practice on them? (I need to work on my initiations...Ok relearn them entirely...)


The advertisement in the paper would go: Reiki master in training seeks guinea pigs for treatments and atunements.

never mind, I am simply rambling. My mind is mush today so I guess the best thing to do is post this and take a nap...hmmm....Nap....

I'll try to keep you all posted (eh...Pun intended?)


Visitors since July 18th 2003

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