Bunny Burrow: hop into my world...

My thoughts on life, school, and whatever else I feel an insane need to share with whoever wants to read...
Bunny Quote of the moment: "The moral life of man forms part of the subject matter of the artist, but the morality of art consists in the perfect use of an imperfect medium. No artist desires to prove anything. Even things that are true can be proved." -Oscar Wilde (from the Preface to 'The Picture of Dorian Gray')
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I have so many D&D games going that it's hard to keep track...so coming soon to a blog near you: rehash of the many games I play...in character!

Haha...that's the plan anyway. :P

If you don't like it, read my LJ.

ok back to work.

Hi all!

Ok here is the date for our concert (for those who do not know, I am part of a choir)

Saturday April 30th at 8pm.

I will scan a poster and put it up as soon as I get my hands on one.

We are doing a whole bunch of folklore songs (mostly German but there are others as well...)

It should be a fun show if a bit more classical than some people like. I promise that there is only one (ok maybe two or three...now I have to go check, drat!) songs that have to do with religion.

Tickets are 15$ if purchased before or 18$ at the door. Leave me a message if you are interested.

More info later.


a free software for ear training...
Mesdames et Messieurs, nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour la joyeuse célébration annuelle de notre party d'Halloween. Soyez tous témoins de cette impressionante démonstration d'humour glacé et sophistiqué. Le thème cette année "Bandes dessinées / Animation Japonaise / Dessins Animés" Sortez vos héros favoris des boules à mites et faites nous connaître votre personalitée secrète. Vous êtes attendus au même endroit qu'à l'habitude mais pour déjouer vos ennemis la réunion prendra place de l'autre côté du corridor. Tous sont priés d'adhèrer aux normes habituelles de la bienséance.

Quand? Vendredi le 29 octobre 2004.
À quelle heure? À partir de 8 heures et jusqu'à ce que les voisins se fâchent.

Quoi? Apportez votre bière ou autre breuvage ainsi que vos propres aspirines. Vos contributions culinaires seront les bienvenues et de l'espace sera mis à votre disposition si vous êtes trop joyeux pour partir, pour vous lever ou vous traîner à terre.
Pourquoi? La fête de la citrouille! (Et il y à au moins une sorcière dans la gang qui va se plaindre ad vitam aeternam si on ne vous invite pas )

Nous célèbrerons nos têtes en citrouille du lendemain matin avec un bon déjeuner.

Si vous voulez venir, laissez moi un message ou envoyez moi un e-mail

The english invite was written by The Admiral and I prefer my version...so there.
And hopefully, see you there ;)
*bunny kisses to all*

I went apple picking this Saturday...and now I have too many apples.

I had loads of fun though. :)

The Man went kayaking with the admiral and the minister of fisheries (and a couple of other people as well) which left me on my own when it came to figuring out how to entertain myself. So I arranged for an apple picking bonanza with some friends I don't see often enough. We got kinda lost in the area trying to locate Intermiel, which is a place where they have about 2000 beehives and make mead. Luckily we found the place before anyone got angry...too late for the tour but early enough to come back with some mead (and raw honeycomb, and royal gelly).


who wants apples?

Compy 386%21

this was the basis for a big Domaine joke this w/e...lol
Turning the Pages

so neat...cannot find words to describe how cool this is...


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