Compy 386%21
this was the basis for a big Domaine joke this w/
Turning the Pages
so neat...cannot find words to describe how cool this is...
Vacancies: "COMMUNICATION OFFICER (INN/ST/CAN/UIS/0583) - (P3) - Montreal, Canada"
Arrgh! I just found a posting that would be so very sweet...well...I guess it is something to dream about (for now) and somethings towards which I can work...
a goal mayhaps
Me and goals have so long been estranged...this is odd...but it is exciting as well...
ok. back to the office monkey job. ook!
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.
Yay I finally figured out where the code for my old commenting system was hanging out...go me!
It seems that in order to comment you have to click on the time of the post (then and only then are you deemed worthy of being allowed to comment)
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.
My weakness is electrons! ... Maybe I am the Static Cling after all...
Your Free Translation
Hey guys! this is my life saver right I should go and become a translator it seems to be what keeps popping up in my fact I can't seem to be able to escape it.
(btw I may be blogging more now that I have constant online access at work and a blogger bar on my toolbar)